Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Roll-up Place Matt

Rolled up place mat.
 I am grossed out. Every time we go out to eat if they dont provide one of those little kids meal menu/place mat things what are you supposed to do? I decided to get crafty with this little problem.No more baby eating off gross nasty table! Unfortunately i didnt actually take pictures as I went along, it was what i like to call "craft vomit". "Craft vomit" is something that happens suddenly, unplanned, and with no thought. Sometimes it works out, sometimes its a huge disaster. Fortunately for me, this time it worked out great. When I make my next one I'll take step by step photos. Until then, I found something similar at My Patchwork. Its a little different, but you get the idea! I used double wide bias tape to edge the whole thing and pre-sewed the pocket before attaching it to the place mat. To finish it off i added a leaf detail to the ties. By the way, did you know that place mat is two words? thank you spellchecker for showing me that! HA! learn something new everyday... Anyhow, It was pretty simple, like I said before, ill update this with a step-by-step later!