Monday, April 11, 2011

My Laundry Soap

This is the recipe that I have gotten the most requests for. I started making my own laundry soap as a part of my never ending quest to save money. I love this recipe. It has passed both the baby diaper explosion test and the spaghetti sauce test which i think says alot.  Here is the recipe I use:

1 grated bar of soap (I use Ivory or Dove, although some recommend Fels Naptha)
1 cup Borax
1 cup Washing Soda

Grate the soap with a cheese grater. Make sure to use the super fine grater. It will look like finely shredded mozzarella. I always use a plastic bowl because for some reason I dont think it mixes at all in a metal bowl...maybe im crazy, but i dunno.
Then you add the Borax to the soap.

Add the washing soda to the mix.

Mix well. Then keep mixing. The more you stir the more fine the mixture becomes. The soap breaks down into more of a powder. I have found that Dove soap breaks down into a powder better but they both clean well so im not sure it matters. Once you have a fine powder you are done.

That's it. That simple. Plus its super cheap!  I use the little scoop from the formula can to measure it out. i use 2 of those per load (there are no "light" loads in this house). If you don't have one of those it would be about 2-3 tbsp per load. doesn't seem like alot but it works. Its low suds so it works in HE machines too. Since there really isn't a fragrance to it i use the cheap lavender fabric softener so it smells nice too. It doesn't bother me not to have that laundry soap smell, i don't sniff my clean clothes that often lol.  I buy the 6 pack of Ivory soap and grate it all at once and multiply the recipe by 6. that way I don't have to make it again for a long time. The great thing about this recipe is that its so super easy. I have had people tell me they quit making their own because of how irritating it is to grate the soap. I grate the soap while i'm either watching t.v. in the evening or while i'm sitting outside watching my daughter. Perfect!!!!


  1. This is the same recipe I use. I have a really neat trick to get my bars of soap to a fine powder. I stick it in the microwave for about a minute at a time. Take it out after each minute and use a fork to start crumbling it. I just made a batch the other night. I think it took about 4-5 times in the microwave to get completely dried out. Then I just use the fork to make the soap in to a fine powder. Let your kids watch the soap when it is in the mircrowave, it expands. It is pretty cool, I like to watch it LOL.

  2. Ohh thanks for the tip! I thought the Dove crumbled really nicely and when i mixed it it was pretty good, but the ivory (which is way cheaper) didnt get as fine. in fact i still have some pretty chunky pieces in there. im definitely trying this next time :)
