Friday, August 19, 2011

Homemade Doggie Biscuits

1 cup rolled oats or oatmeal
1 cup boiling water
3/4 cup cornmeal
3 teaspoons white sugar
2 1/2 teaspoons beef bouillon granules
1/2 cup milk
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
1 egg, beaten
3 cups whole wheat flour

1/3 cup butter or margarine
Flour for rolling out dough 

Preheat oven to 325. Stir together oats, margarine, and boiling water. Let stand 10 minutes. Grease cookie sheet. Add cornmeal, sugar, bouillon, milk, Cheddar cheese, and egg, and stir by hand with a spoon (do NOT use an electric mixer as it will become very thick and actually fried my mixer). Gradually mix in flour, 1 cup at a time, until a stiff dough has formed. Knead dough on a lightly floured surface adding flour until a thick dough is formed and it isn't sticky.  Roll out dough to about 1/2 inch thick. Cut with cookie cutter and place 1 inch apart on cookie sheets. Bake around 45 minutes in oven, until golden brown. Cool before serving. Store in a loosely covered container. after they harden up more you can put them in pretty much any container. They store very well and the minion had a BLAST making them with me  :)

Stinky Laundry

So lately i have been CRAZY cleaning my house. Its been a complete disaster with school starting, a thousabd and one doctor appts(long story) and just general family life plus me slacking off for a day (or week) here and there. I have scrubbed walls (water and borax) and bleached every hard surface in the house. scrubber behind toilets, cleaned out drawers (pencil baskets/utensil holders make great organizers - read:dollar store) And a bunch of other stuff. my downstairs is sparkling. I dont want to talk about the upstairs. On another good note Ive been getting rid of alot if stuff and selling it on craigslist and some local sales sites on facebook. Its been really great and ive been using the money i make to buy other things off the site that i want or need. Let me be completely honest...its how i bought my daughters back to school clothes. With me not working at the moment theres not alot of spare money lying around to buy brand new clothes, or other desires, so i have gotten very creative. I keep saying i will blog about how i coupon, and i still intend to. ive just been very busy and have decided to blog during JackJack nap time when i can. But i digress.... Occasionally lately i have noticed a strange smell popping up here and there. Im a clean freak so its really been bothering me. When i smell it i go around trying to figure out what it is sniffing like a crazy cop dog that smells crack. its bad. Well I recently figured out where the smell was coming from....random pieces of my families CLEAN laundry. In particular my husbands work shirts at the end of the day, a pair of baby pajamas, a blanket, and a pair of my jeans. Its bad. Well after a million and one washes i figured it out. My washing machine is dirty. I cant explain why somethings dont get clean and others do, but after cleaning the thing out it seems to have totally solved the problem. I have never really done a big clean on my washer. I always wipe it down with bleach when im running a load of whites, but thats about it. Well i found this tutorial over at Somewhat Simple and i would like to share it. seemed easy enough and her pictures speak for themselves. check it out! How to clean a washer. It worked for me :)